SALVADOR VILLAR ISORENA, a retired professor from Catanduanes State University (CatSU), is known for his name as Kaperyodikong Sir Buddy or better known as Mr. Sabawskie because of his comic character in the public affairs program Tele-RadyoPeryodiko. He also serves as a news consultant and anchorman for Radyo Peryodiko and Bicol Peryodiko.

Before joining the Bicol Peryodiko local newspaper in 2006, he had written columns for a number of provincial local newspapers. Because of his hectic schedule in both print and broadcast while taking pleasure in his retirement, he regarded himself as a fortunate senior person. Although he does have a great voice, which is one of the qualities of an anchorman, he is not anticipating that one day he would work in the broadcast sector. However, thanks to Sm Ferdie Brizo’s persistence back in 2016, he found himself in the aforementioned media area.

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