Last October 24 we celebrated our 13th BP Foundation Anniversary along with the  fiesta celebrations in Barangays Cavinitan and Gogon in honor of Patron St. Raphael.

             To the management and staff, the red color we chose in our souvenir t-shirts in this year’s celebration, signifies our burning desire, strong, unflinching advocacy, conviction, and resolve to do whatever is good for the community and our highly esteemed precious reading public.

              This unequivocal manifestation of our collective commitment energizes, inspires and sustains us in our noble mission as modern-day prophets. Be that as it may,  we know our strengths and weaknesses. We’re trying our best to further reinforce our strengths in the same way that we will remedy and overcome our weaknesses.

              Our sincere apologies to whoever we have offended in our crusading ways. As the saying goes in  Filipino: “Trabaho lang. Walang Personalan. ” Having hurdled and withstood all the challenges and the varied problems we have had in the last thirteen years, we are more determined to improve our craft, our readiness and willingness to face our responsibilities in the performance of our mandated function as modern-day prophets.

              Much more so, we are not immaculate and therefore accountable and expendables in the organization we joined with gusto and voluntarily. Unlike in the past when we were slapped with libel  lone case  and threats, we are  looking forward to a fruitful, productive last quarter period in 2019—the soon to exit “Year of the Pig” more or less two months from now.

             Relatively, 2019 is a good year for us personally, with some unfulfilled ambitions/dreams, and collectively as closely knit Ka-Peryodiko family. Our collective accomplishments and  realizations all the more led us to be more cohesive and committed to our highly cherished BP print and sister outfit Radyo Peryodiko (DWFB, 96.7 mhz).


              The reason is simple and meaningful: Editor-in-Chief/SM Ferdz Brizo and his better half are highly approachable, caring, and forward-looking couples to reckon with.

               And to this end, we extend our utmost gratitude to all advertisers, donors, patrons , dear subscribers, loyal followers and sympathizers including our adversaries/critics/detractors, if any, in the exercise of our chosen noble endeavor.

               Advanced Virac Happy Town Fiesta, Merry Christmas and Prosperous New Year. With highly committed, good, responsible leaders we have at this point in time, we have all the reasons to remain jolly, optimistic amid financial constraints, dengue threats and financial difficulties.

              Advance Merry Christmas and Prosperous New Year as we wait with bated breath the festivity of our Patroness, Immaculate Conception in the capital town Virac, Catanduanes.

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