A few weeks ago, fur parents were triggered with the news of what can only be described as the mass murder of  stray dogs or “doggos” in a barangay in the town of San Andres. The reasons?  Well, for starters, they pose threats to everyone living in  the barangay, second, they cause road accidents and third they might spread disease as most of them are in the best of conditions.

               Although the reasons are somewhat reasonable and they mean well, killing these dogs is not the solution if you are going to ask the opinion of Mr. Joal Cocjin, one of the SB members of San Andres. In his FB post he claimed that this is cruel and inhumane, furthermore, it is a direct violation of RA 8485 or “The Animal Welfare Act of  1998”. This is almost the same word-by-word response of the K9 Division of the members of the Bomb Squad who view these creatures as partners – as friends.

               Acccording to Cocjin, there are more reasonable ways to solve the problems of both the dogs and the residents of the barangay where these killings are happening. He assured that the town will do everything in its legislative power to put an end to these unreasonable acts.

               Aside from those already mentioned, the main reason why this is  and will never be acceptable is because it is a crime against the Creator who cares for both His human and animal creation. True, he allowed the killing of animals for food and clothing and if they are a direct threat to humans, but anything beyond such reasons is frowned upon by the Scriptures.

               As stewards of creation, we are here to protect the life and welfare of all the creatures we share this world with. We must also learn to co-exist with them and make adjustments for the safety of both sides. What has transpired in San Andres obviously is the exact opposite of these principles. (EDITORIAL By: Jake Terrago)

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