Merchants are , by definition, people who buy and sell commodities for profit. By extension, they are persons noted for, or who have a particular interest in, some specific activity, or who make a profession of it. Merchant is often used with a qualifying word, sometimes derogatorily.

Hence, the phrase Merchant of Chaos, which refer to people who make a profession out of relaying , supplying or forwarding bad news, confusion and chaos.

In the cyberspace, it may refer to paid trolls (hacks) doing anything to peddle half truths and worse, to destroy personalities with the consent and knowledge of their patrons or Big Bosses. It may also refer to politically motivated personalities who can’t accept reality that they were not meant to become leaders. These probably include leader- personalities rejected by the electorates during several previous political exercises, the latest one last May 9, 2022 national and local elections.

These modern-day Merchant of Chaos employ in their destabilizing manner black propaganda machinery fake news meant to destroy their nemesis. Thus, the emergence of grapevine practitioners locally known as MARITES, MARICON, MARTHA AND DOLORES.

MARITES starts the grapevines in the community by word of mouth or through cyberspace or messenger app with impunity. MARICON’s role is to CONFIRM IT. MAARTHA, the worryworth adds fuel to it , providing negative or worse scenarios. DOLORES with misery look and outlook join the team with gusto.

However, their days are numbered by now. SIM cards registration will end sometime in April this year and, we’re not pretty sure if registration would be extended. Yours truly, Mr. Sabawzki availed such opportunity to register my old but still reliable and functioning CP number last February 15 at Virac Town Center (VTC) provided by telcos service providers. Payong kapatid, huwag nyo nang palampasin ang oportunidad at deadline sa pagpa-restro to avoid deactivation. Discard your mañana habit.

Comes July in the Year of Water Rabbit, let’s see if alleged RECALL MOVES by some quarters will push through as revealed by reliable informant. Let’s see if their system and recall will hold water in the eyes and ears of discerning, enlightened, learned constituency in the Happy Island Province of Catanduanes. Aptly described as the “Land of the Howling Winds” by then former Ambassador and Governor Leandro I. Verceles Sr.

Let’s see if their destabilizing system of recall will hold water in the eyes, ears and minds of highly discerning, educated, enlightened and learned constituents in the Happy Island Province of Catanduanes, aptly described as the “LAND OF HOWLING WINDS” by former Ambassador, BI Commissioner and Governor Leandro I. Verceles Sr.

May I congratulate the officers and members of Pecuaria Development Cooperative (PDC) led by BOD chairperson Jolly Atole and General Manager Jun Mora for hosting the three-day activity on March 8-10, 2023 in collaboration with DAR Regional Office V and DAR Camarines Sur I and welcoming the Hon. Aurita C. Ang, assistant secretary for finance, management and administration office and Task Force Collection ( TFC) Secretariat consisting of PDO-IV Aurora Chy and PDO II Dolly Ramirez.

Asec Ang visited DAR Camarines Sur to evaluate the PDC’s status, listened and promised to provide solutions to the problems besetting the said Coop which the previous BOD failed to resolve.

Brimming with joy and sense of conviction PDC Chairperson Jolly Atole said that for the first time in the history of DAR Camarines Sur and PDC, its only now a ranking official in the person of Asec Ang visited the place in a span of thirty years (3 decades). Due to space and time constraints, highlights of this 3-day event will be featured next issue. Bye. Kitakits tayo sa muli.

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