The annual Abaca celebration will be held this week, and the provincial tourism and promotional units are gearing up for the 7th wave of the newest celebration on the island.

This event was launched by former Governor Cely Wong’s administration in response to popular demand as a means of recognizing the island’s unique product livelihood species.

Since the pandemic is no longer a threat, there are numerous reasons to make this festival more joyful and colorful in order to deliberately promote the main goal of this event and encourage more tourists to visit the island, which will produce economic activity.

To make the occasion even more exciting, I propose that the festival’s organizers consider naming “Abaca King and Abaca Queen” to one of their contests. This will be incorporated in the “Abaca Stripping Contest,” in which the fastest abaca stripper will be chosen from suplit to botong. This is a record-breaking contest every year, wherein the champion will be challenged by stripper challengers from all across the island.

If we can establish the fastest abaca stripper in the island thru the said contest, this will be another event that may be recorded to the Guinee’s book of world record.


Another commendable event that may be included is a discussion or forum on how we can overcome our island’s businessmen’s tendency of exporting raw materials. If we cannot manufacture these basic materials within the province, I believe we should look for new ways to discover abaca byproducts that will provide more cash for our residents. We cannot overcome the law of supply and demand if we continually base our sources on the buy and sell of raw materials.

However, by producing this by-product within the province, our abaca strippers’ economic situation would undoubtedly improve and their income will be sustained. Aside from stripping, individuals can use their abaca fiber for another form of income.

The uncertain supply of electricity is the reason why some manufacturing enterprises are adamant about investing in the province. This, I believe, should not be the case today because our supply is already superior to that of other provinces in the region.

Rather than being comfortable with the old means of buying and selling raw materials of Abaca, our elected authorities in the province should have a burning desire to encourage investors to manufacture our abaca fiber in the province. This is consistent with the adage “if there is a will, there is a way.”


We have already passed the one-year honeymoon period of our elected leaders, ranging from the Sangguniang Bayan to the President of the Republic. The question is if they are already well-versed in their chosen government position. Or, after a year of setting officials, they are still on the job training.

This should not be the case in subsequent years because we assumed you were already an expert after a year of familiarizing yourself with the driver’s seat.

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