Ever since the summer season began in the Philippines,  there was never a day where there are no recorded  power outages. Although this is nothing new to the people of Catanduanes, thy are quite noticeable given the circumstances.

               On regular days, 3, 6, or even 12 hours without power is somewhat of a normal day, but during these times, when the heat index ranges from 44 to 49, it has become an unforgivable sin.These are the times when people don’t care if their electric bills sky rocket to the heavens – no, in the name of comfort whether you’re at home or at work.

               In FICELCO’s defense, in the recent years, they  have become more active in announcing the reasons for these outages,  furthermore, there are actually valid reasons why we have to say goodbye to the comforts brought by electricity for a few hours. But will we always be like this? Again, especially during times as unbearable as these? How bad is it you ask? Most classes and work arrangements have been tinkered ala-pandemic times all because of the scorching (this is no exaggeration mind you) heat.

               This publication speaks for everyone when it requests – begs FICELCO to  remedy these problems during the summer season or at least speed up repairs or lessen the chances insufficient power and other factors. Our cooperative are hard-working and more-than-capable power experts. We are sure they’ll come through one of these days and the summers to come will be the best of the best.

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