Warm and bright greetings to all graduates of 2023, from elementary, secondary, college, and graduate schools. While this may be an ordinary day for some living in abundance due to the support of parents and guardians, for many, it is a successful culmination despite the challenges.

The time devoted to studying is a unique sacrifice, filled with trials. The road to success is not easy, but it is not unreachable with determination.

For college graduates, the light of a real-life journey is just around the corner. Many of you may be eager to find a job and help your parents who struggled to make this mission possible.

To those students who persisted despite life’s hardships, disregarding the obstacles in your path, you made the right decision in prioritizing education, which will open doors to many opportunities.

In just a short while, you will achieve a new beginning, fulfilling numerous dreams to help your parents, siblings, and guardians who played a part in your success.

Use this education as a weapon to pursue noble aspirations, not to dwell on past struggles.

To the teachers who dedicated themselves to the vocation of teaching, may the students you have equipped with knowledge and developed genuine abilities be a source of strength.

Remember that teaching has two reciprocal benefits. You have helped and remained productive. You have become skilled and earned a livelihood to support your families.

To the honor students, being cum laude and awardees do not end within the four corners of the school; instead, you should embody and demonstrate what is known as “walk the talk” within your family, friends, and community.

A successful culmination, Batch 2023, Congratulations!
