By: Fedz M. Brizo |

The journey of the Vice Presidency in the Philippines has taken intriguing turns, with Vice Presidents Leni Robredo and Sara Duterte as central figures. Their fates, though intertwined by the same office, reveal contrasting paths—one grounded in genuine opposition and credibility, the other marked by a more complex narrative of power and influence.

Leni Robredo stands as a beacon of true opposition, a leader who emerged from the grassroots to challenge the status quo. Her tenure as Vice President was characterized by a commitment to public service, integrity, and transparency. Robredo’s credibility stems from her consistent advocacy for the marginalized, her willingness to speak truth to power, and her adherence to principles that resonate with the Filipino people.

In contrast, Sara Duterte’s rise to the Vice Presidency is seen by many as a continuation of political dynastic influence. Unlike Robredo, whose trajectory was marked by a journey from the outside in, Duterte’s ascent appears to move in the opposite direction—starting from a position of power and attempting to establish an independent identity. However, this transition is fraught with challenges, as recent controversies surrounding her leadership have raised questions about her competence and true intentions.

The recent tirades of VP Sara Duterte seem to diverge from the expectations set upon her by both supporters and critics alike. Her statements and actions often appear disconnected from the image she seeks to project, leading to speculation about whether she possesses the temperament and capability necessary for the role. This dissonance between public persona and actual performance has only fueled debates about her fitness for higher office.

While Leni Robredo’s legacy is one of consistency and steadfastness, Sara Duterte’s path remains uncertain. The karma of the Vice Presidency seems to be catching up, testing the resolve and character of both leaders. Robredo’s credibility continues to be her strongest asset, while Duterte must grapple with the scrutiny that comes with her position and the expectations placed upon her.

In the end, the Vice Presidency is more than just a stepping stone to greater power; it is a platform for genuine service and leadership. The contrasting fates of Leni Robredo and Sara Duterte serve as a reminder that credibility, integrity, and the ability to rise above challenges are what truly define a leader. As the nation watches closely, the unfolding karma of the Vice Presidency will reveal who among them is worthy of the people’s trust and confidence.


As we prepare to embark on another school year, from elementary to college, it’s crucial to reflect on the significance of this journey for each student. This period marks a pivotal step towards realizing our dreams and aspirations. It’s not merely about acquiring knowledge but also about becoming proactive and engaged learners. Taking inspiration from the ideals of Jose Rizal, we are called not just to be students but to be conscientious citizen-students, actively contributing to our communities.

Jose Rizal famously said that the youth are the future hope of our nation. This sentiment underscores the responsibility we carry as students. Each day in school offers us opportunities not just to excel academically but to cultivate qualities that will shape us into future leaders and contributors to society. Let us not squander this chance to learn, grow, and prepare ourselves for the challenges and triumphs ahead.

Education empowers us with the tools to navigate life’s complexities, equipping us with knowledge, critical thinking skills, and resilience. Beyond the classroom, it’s about embracing a mindset of continuous learning and development. By investing in our education today, we invest in our future selves and our ability to make meaningful contributions to our communities and beyond.

As we return to school, let’s strive to be more than passive recipients of information. Let’s be active participants in our own education, seeking to understand, question, and apply what we learn to real-world situations. This proactive approach not only enhances our learning experience but also prepares us to tackle challenges creatively and effectively.

Moreover, let’s remember that education is a privilege denied to many. As we pursue our studies, let’s honor this privilege by giving our best effort in every endeavor. Whether it’s mastering a subject, engaging in extracurricular activities, or fostering relationships with peers and mentors, each experience enriches our educational journey.

In this regard, going back to school is more than a seasonal return to classrooms; it’s a commitment to personal growth and societal contribution. Let’s embrace this opportunity with enthusiasm and dedication, knowing that each step forward brings us closer to realizing our dreams and fulfilling our roles as future leaders and changemakers. Together, let’s embody the spirit of proactive learning and responsible citizenship, echoing the timeless wisdom of Jose Rizal in our pursuit of knowledge and excellence.

