By: Rev. Fr. Orlando Mendoza

Formation for priests in the seminary, particularly in the Philippines, is long. It takes at least nine years to finish if you enter the seminary after high school. Because of its long and rigorous formation, not all seminarians become priests. The majority of those who enter the seminary do not become priests. In our case, we were 17 seminarians who entered the seminary and only two of us became priests. Some seminarians are asked to leave the seminary for violating some rules; others are asked to leave because of academic failures. Still, others go out of the seminary because of financial difficulties. But many leave the seminary because they cannot endure the demands of the seminary formation.

In the gospel, the disciples could not understand the teachings of Jesus, especially concerning His body and blood as the real food and drink that must be eaten and drunk for men to have eternal life. Many disciples left Jesus and did not anymore follow Him. Jesus then asked His Apostles: “Do you also want to leave? (Jn 5:67)” Just like most seminarians who leave the seminary, the disciples of Jesus left Jesus because they could not only understand His teachings but also could not fulfill the demands of following Jesus. Thus, Jesus is also asking us the same question He asked of His Apostles: “Do you also want to leave? (Jn 5:67)”

Indeed, not all teachings of the Church are easy to understand. Many of them are very difficult to comprehend particularly the dogmas and the doctrines of the Trinity, Jesus, and the Holy Eucharist. Moreover, it is really hard to live the Christian life following the teachings and deeds of Jesus Christ especially in this modern time of secularization and materialism. The values nowadays are different from if not against the values of the gospel. The world offers pleasures and comfort, money and power, fame and appreciation. On the other hand, the Bible and the Church offer sacrifice and sufferings, poverty and humility, simplicity and rejection. People easily succumb to the temptations of the world and only a few brave men or women respond to the challenge of the Bible and the Church.

We must realize that what the world can offer is only temporary because everything in the world will end. However, what the Bible and Church offer will lead us to eternal life and fullness of joy in the company of God in the heavens. The Apostles realized this truth and for this, they responded to the question of Jesus through the words of Simon Peter: “Lord, to whom shall we go? You have the words of eternal life” (Jn 5:68).

At this moment, Jesus Christ is waiting for our response to His question. We can either leave Jesus and His Church like what His disciples did in the gospel or rather follow what the Apostles did, remaining with Jesus who has the words of eternal life. It all depends on our personal decisions and responses. If ever we remain with Jesus as we will naturally say, the challenge is to prove it in our daily lives. The Apostles proved it by sacrificing their lives, preaching the gospel to the ends of the earth, and dying as martyrs except for St. John, the beloved disciple, who died of old age.

Truly, it is difficult to live a Christian life, especially in this modern world. But we must not be afraid, nothing is impossible if we are with Jesus. He will never abandon us but rather grant us the grace to live our Christian life. We only need to always go to Jesus and be faithful to Him and His Church. Amen!


(Green) Cycle B/Year II (August 25, 2024)

Jos 24:1-2a, 15-17, 18b/Eph 5:21-32/Jn 6:60-69
