Who do you say I am?

Jesus Christ brought His apostles to a high place called Caesarea Philippi and asked them about what other people said about Him. They replied that according to the people Jesus was John the Baptist, or Elijah, or any other prophet. Then Jesus asked them:...

The Rich Man

TWENTY-SIXTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME (Green) Cycle C/Year II (September 25, 2016) Am 6:1, 4-7/1Tm 6:11-16/Lk 16:19-31 The rich man in the gospel’s parable is not named while the poor man is named Lazarus. This is opposite to what we can usually read in the newspapers or...

Do Not Weep

TENTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME (Green) Cycle C/ Year I (June 5, 2016) 1Kgs 17:17-24/Gal 1:11-19/Lk 7:11-17 As Jesus was entering the city of Nain, He saw a funeral procession in which the widow was mourning the death of her only son. Jesus was moved with pity...


By: Rev. Fr. Orlando Mendoza FEAST OF THE STO. NIÑO /(White) Cycle B/Year II (January 21, 2024) /Is 9:1-6/Eph 1:3-6/Mk 10:13-16 It is a common practice in our country, the Philippines, especially during the past decades that the children are brought by their parents to the...

Blessed Are The Peacemakers

FOURTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME (Green) Cycle A/Year I (January 29, 2017) Zep 2:33; 3:12-13/1Cor 1:26-31/Mt 5:1-12 NATIONAL BIBLE SUNDAY There is a story about a policeman who made a difference. He said: “As a police officer, I frequently see people who are involved in destructive conflict. Enforcing...


THE POWER OF CHRIST'S BLOOD By: Rev. Fr. Philip Morales If we wish to understand the power of Christ’s blood, we should go back to the ancient account of its prefiguration in Egypt. Sacrifice a lamb without blemish, commanded Moses, and sprinkle its blood on your...

Send Out Laborers

FOURTEENTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME (Green) Cycle C/Year II (July 3, 2016) Is 66:10-14/Gal 6:14-18/Lk 10:1-9 Jesus sends His disciples to towns and villages He intends to visit and says to the: “The harvest is abundant but the laborers are few; so ask the master of the...

The Cleansing Of The Lepers

TWENTY-EIGHTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME (Green) Cycle C/Year II (October 9, 2016) 2 Kgs 5:14-17/2 Tim 2:8-13/ Lk 17: 11-19 Journeying to Jerusalem, Jesus travelled through Samaria and Galilee. In a village, He was met by ten lepers asking Him for His mercy. The merciful Lord immediately...

The Parable Of The Dishonest Steward

TWENTY-FIFTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME (Green) Cycle C/Year II (September 18, 2016) Am 8:4-7/1Tm 2:1-8/Lk 16:1-13 The steward was squandering the property of his master. When the master knew about it, he summoned his steward to render an account as he would remove him from his job....


EASTER SUNDAY OF THE LORD’S RESURRECTION (White) Cycle B/Year II (April 1, 2018) Acts 10:34, 37-43/Col 3:1-4/Jn 20:1-9 It seems that what John the Apostle and Evangelist experienced in the empty tomb – He sees and believes – was an application of the famous saying: “To see...
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