Weeks ago, the National Teachers’ Month celebration officially began and with that, comes the realization of just how important teachers are in nation building. This celebration is somewhat unique compared to the others, as for the first time in a long time, teachers will be celebrating it face-to-face. Moreover, based from the greetings teachers have been receiving from their students, former students and the parents or guardians of these students, this celebration further emphasizes the amount of hardwork and dedication our teachers exert to help students read their first letters or words, solve their first math problem or for simply being there  when all seems lost for their students.

               The celebration also comes with a message to the current Secretary of the Department of Education. A call to match the insurmountable work of teachers with the salaries they receive. A message to hear the pleas of some schools that lack the necessary support  to produce globally-competitive students, a call to protect the welfare of both students and teachers among other things.

               Though we are not saying that the Department is turning a deaf ear to these pleas, it seems that as of now, there is no urgency to address some of these issues. Still, if these requests come later instead of sooner, then for now, all teachers ask is a simple “thank you” – a recognition if you will of their sacrifices. A simple verbal assurance that they do in fact carryout their mandate with heart and valor.

               You dear reader, have you thanked your teacher yet, both past and present?  With the growing influence of technology, the task is not a difficult one. Small or huge, admit it or not, they had, have and will have a huge influence in your lives. Some negative, but are easily greater outweighed by the positive. Go ahead. This publication would like to do the same. Ma’am/Sir, a big virtual hug and THANK YOU to all of you. Happy Teachers’ Month

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