Several times some of us may have heard in the and TV and/ of read stories in the local and national dailies exposing highly controversial, mind-boggling stories. Right?

And for all you know this happens even in our respective homes. “You’ve got what you deserved!”. Ronald C. Jordan, managing editor of ” Deliver’s Voice, VICTORY” February 2023 edition, confesses: ” I don’t know the number of times I heard that growing up, especially living in a household with four siblings —all boys!”

“Children have a tendency to want to “run and tell mom’ whenever a sibling does something to them, they don’t like. They look to mom to correct the situation –to come to their defense. But when the truth comes out, and it’s determined that they were actually the cause of the trouble, there is no defending. Instead, coming from mom they hear a stern chastisement that goes coming like, “Well, baby, you got what you deserved”, he writes.

So, that’s getting what one deserves. Good or bad. Good or bad karma in the Karmaic law which simply stated goes this: Whatever you do in life will come back to you.” And that is in the appointment time. In reckoning time.

“That’s the way the world’s system most often handles situations when the time comes to mete out justice. Or at least, that’s how judicial system is designed to work. Innocent until proven guilty” is how it’s described” he further stated. And may I hasten to add: ” Proven guilty beyond reasonable doubt”. Otherwise with an iota of doubt considered or technicalities, one would be declared ‘not guilty ‘. Recently, a son of a cabinet official escaped the long arm of the law through this “iota of doubt” doctrine.

Rightly so, Jordan said with utmost conviction and faith: “Thankfully, our heavenly Father doesn’t copy the world’s way of doing things when it comes to dealing with us when we’ve done wrong. If that were the case , we’d all have been punished in some way by now”.

” Instead, God’s judicial system is based on love, mercy and grace. When we go to Him in sincere repentance, seeking His forgiveness for whatever wrong we’ve done, God declares us “innocent, even when guilty”.

Psalm 103:8-11, New Living Translation, says: “The LORD is compassionate and merciful, slow to get angry and filled with unfailing love. He will not constantly accuse us, nor remain angry forever. He does not punish us for all our sins; he does not deal harshly with us , as we deserve. For his unfailing love toward those who fear him is as great as the height of the heavens above the earth.”

Jordan added: ‘We all make mistakes –some worse than others. And sometimes we really do deserve to be punished. Thankfully, God doesn’t see it that way. If we are willing to acknowledge our wrong; ask His forgiveness; and turn from wrongdoing to love, obey and serve Him, God will wipe our slate clean (1John 1:19). Rather than giving us what we deserve, He will forgive our sin, and act as though it never happened.

Finally, Jordan exhorted: “Wrong is wrong. No one is ever given a license to commit sin. But it’s comforting to know that when we do mess up , we can turn to a loving God who will pardon rather than punish us. He will declare us innocent, even when we’re actually guilty ‘. Because God is good all the time, and all the time God is good. Amen. Hallelujah.


Last week, February 25, 2023, the Knights of Columbus led by Grand Knight SK Arthur Tabirara of Immaculate Conception Council 4266 held its “Post Valentine Get Together with Bishop Manolo A. De Los Santos at Risen Christ Chapel Social Hall. Respective spouse (better half) were included in view of the fact that the Knights of Columbus is a religious, civic, family and fraternal organization of Catholic gentlemen in solidarity with the priest, and the Catholic Church.

This successful KC activity was realized through the utmost support of District Deputy SK Noel Torreña (V-04), District Deputy SK Greg Sarmiento. (V-05), Faithful Navigator SK Joseph A. Abundo of Jose Cardinal Sanchez Assembly and Other brother knights in Bigaa, Bato KC Councils. Aside from the most awaited message of Bishop Manolo De Los Santos, the event was highlighted by the giving of rose to respective espouse and the dance that follows. Bishop De Los Santos who is the Council Chaplain for more than a decade had its souvenir photo ops per table and the group picture taking afterwards.

In his message SK- Grand Knight Arthur Tabirara summed the event, thus:

Thank you tbi sa gabos. Sa mga nka abot, ang sainyo tabi na presensya ang ngtao nin kolor sa kabangihon kn Knghts of Columbus. Sa mga dai nka abot pero ngpamati kn saindang pdagos n suporta sa satuyang Orden, kamo ang samuyang kusog! Dios mbalos tabi sa gabos, sa pagkaigwa nin 1 dakullang okasyon ang KC. Sa sainyong pdagos n pag anduyog, ang okasyon ta igwang 3 celebrasyon. Enot, sa aspeto kn fraternity, we had an acquaintance. Panduwa, sa parte kn pamilya, natawan ta nin importansya ang satuyang lambang agom. Pantulo, sa esensya kn Simbhan, kita padagos sa pkisumallo sa hierarkiya n kung saen kita padagos na imbwelto bilang Kristyanong Soldados kn satuyang pagtubod. Sa mga daing partner n kaibhan, kamo ang instrumento kn satuyang pagkasallallo.

..which simply stated goes this way: “Whatever you do in life will come back to you . “And that is in the appointed time. In reckoning time. (SALVADOR “BUDDY” ISORENA)
