The Taal Volcano last erupted in 2019 after the song “Tala” by Sara Geronimo went viral. Now, it seems to be indicating another significant event, accompanied by earthquakes in neighboring areas.
Aside from Taal Volcano, Mount Mayon has also gained attention lately due to frequent lava eruptions, greatly affecting the surrounding communities at the foot of the volcano.
Because of this, our fellow citizens in Albay are in the danger zone, and if the ash eruptions continue, it will undoubtedly have a major impact on their livelihoods.
Meanwhile, despite the inconvenience for residents, it has become a tourist attraction for people from other places. The media coverage showcases the beauty of Mayon, with its cloud formations resembling the silhouette of a lady and the fire at night resembling Miss Universe Catriona Gray’s gown.
Various imaginative forms are being created by creative minds to give an abstract interpretation to each eruption of ash and fire.
Behind the entertaining shapes, it brings great danger to the residents, especially those who have evacuated and do not know when they can return.
Here, the expertise of our local officials will once again be tested, and how they can achieve the goal of zero casualties.
Despite these scenes, it seems that there are still mischievous individuals who take advantage of the situation, particularly with relief goods and funds allocated for such disasters…hikhikhikhik!
According to some gossipers, just as the volcano blinks, many local officials are also blinking…hikhikhikhik! Hopefully, the speculations of these gossipers do not come true…hikhikhikhik!
Perhaps there is a connection between the blinking of the volcano and the frequent power outages on the beautiful island…hikhikhikhik! Due to the heat, the fuel for the generators may be quickly running out.
Since it is not the rainy season, the hydroelectric power plants cannot produce enough electricity, leading to abundant profits for the generator owners this time. But the question is, why are power outages becoming more frequent? Perhaps the technicians responsible for maintaining the generators are not competent enough.
But for us consumers, it’s time to activate our solar power during these times to avoid expenses and inconvenience…hikhikhikhik!