Mayor Sammy Laynes conveys his appreciation for the service rendered by outgoing Chief of Police Robert Kevin Caparosso during his tenure at the Virac Municipal Police Station for several years. Meanwhile, the mayor pledges his full support to the new leadership under OIC Chief of Police Emsol Icawat.

“We also thank our outgoing chief, PMAJ Robert Kevin Caparosso, for his service to the people of Virac during his term. The LGU Virac fully supports the new leadership of Virac MPS under PMAJ Icawat,” Mayor Laynes states.

Icawat, the former head of the San Andres Municipal Police Station, was appointed as the head of Virac on Monday, January 15, 2024. The turnover ceremony was led by Assistant Provincial Director for Administration, Police Colonel Ryan V. Ador of the Catanduanes Provincial Police Office. Icawat previously served as the information officer of CATPPO before assuming the role of the head of San Andres MPS.

During Major Icawat’s tenure, the entire municipality of San Andres was declared drug-cleared before the end of 2023. On the other hand, Major Caparuso will be the successor to Icawat in his vacated position in the town of San Andres.

In connection with this, Major Icawat declares his full support for Mayor Laynes’ leadership in the capital town of Virac. (BP Newsteam)

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