Sad Santa fails honoring Christmas celebration feels frustrated and desperate


Due to the current difficulties in life, many of our fellow citizens are sure to need assistance. In the province of Catanduanes, with the weak price of abaca, it is certain that many will approach local officials and those with hidden treasures.

Our advice to those seeking assistance is not to run, even a little, so there is at least something to tide them over. This is also the fault of our government as to why the people are suffering, due to a lack of opportunities, as even the jobs for the poor are exploited, forcing them to cling to desperate measures.

However, if the people are suffering, mining should not be the immediate solution. It seems our fellowmen and those in the SP lack the foresight as to why they thought of mining instead of providing alternative livelihoods.

If abaca prices fall, can’t abaca still be the solution, especially its by-products? Look at this forum at the State, it seems everyone who attended there is against mining. When will there be a forum for those in favor of mining?

In my opinion, no one will have the courage because there might be collateral damage, especially for those with ambitions in 2025. The question is, will our SP members be judged for their Mining Ordinance? That remains to be seen. But because they made a comeback even if they resisted in the past, I think the damage isn’t that big because they fought back.

So, this is also a lesson for our elected officials, consulting is the best way to avoid being in a precarious situation. Not all our ideas are favorable to the people. As they say, there is no monopoly of idea and power. There is only a monopoly on armpit power.

Power to More!

I admire the extravagant showcase of programs and projects by some ambitious individuals eyeing the congressional post in this beautiful island. This is what we want to see from aspirants for various positions showing their political maturity.

The fight isn’t waged through mudslinging but through showcasing programs that will help the Catandunganon community. Actually, the elections are still far away, so what we see is just a manifestation. However, if these individuals decide to target the positions, Catandunganons are the real winners.

Go for it!

According to some political analysts, despite being an unpopular move, the members of the Sangguniang Panlalawigan not attending the invitation of CatSU for the “Forum on Mining, Bone or Bane?” can be considered a saving grace. Here, it seemed like a campaign against mining, and no one spoke in favor of it. Even those who presented their data were against the mining proposal due to environmental impact and the security of residents.

Despite this, it would have been exciting if there were invited individuals in favor to see a clearer picture instead of the forum being one-sided. Some say it seems they were short on time in sending invitations, so they lacked time. But according to some intriguer, if they wanted, there are many ways, but if they really don’t want to, there are many excuses.

According to some in favor, where will Catanduanes allocate the wealth given to us if they don’t want it to be utilized?

Some say the main purpose is for them to be a defense against any calamity. If the purpose is just for mining, then our interpretation is wrong because it is included in the package to test if we will be tempted by the devil, just like what God did to Eve and Adam. The forbidden apples were shared, while this is strictly prohibited.

More apples! Merry Christmas to all Kaperyodiko!
