The Catanduanes State University celebrated its 50th Foundation Anniversary on June 19, 2021, pre-highlighted by parade of the rank and file (June 16) in Virac downtown and the formal presentation of the aspirants to the presidency in public earlier (June 8) at the gymnasium.

            Its celebration was held with less fanfare participated in only by the rank and file, sans students participation sans face-to-face instruction due to the coronavirus threat to precious human lives and, by coincidence, on semestral break.

            However, what was more important was the formal presentation to the public of the three (3) aspirants for the presidency, in alphabetical order, namely: Dr. Agustin N. Arcena, Dr. Patrick Alain T. Azanza, and Dr. Marilyn B. Panti.

            The aspirants are brimming with enthusiasm, equipped and strengthened as they are with their respective educational preparation, appropriate and work-related experiences.

             In the new normal, hopefully better normal, where the new 40 is 60, the aspirants are all young. Dr. Arcena, 41, an import-outsider, hails from Guimaras, Iloilo, where one of its well- known agricultural world-class import is the “Guimaras Mangoes.” He had the longest and arguably the most comprehensive presentation, although he failed to answer properly the question on how would he address faculty development and the university’s internationalization linkages and opportunities amid the coronavirus pandemic.   

             Our province, on the one hand, is the number one producer of world-class abaca fiber with its higher tensile. Henceforth, sooner than soon, our province would be declared as the “Abaca Capital of the Philippines.” The collective efforts of Cong. Hector S. Sanchez  and TGP Partylist Rep. Jose J. Teves, Jr. would be sufficient enough for their counterpart in the upper house, Sen. Cynthia A. Villar, Chair, Senate Committee on Agriculture and Food Security to successfully convince Congress to pass said legislative measure, whose sense of urgency is imperative and, in fact, long overdue.  

              Dr. Azanza, 52, had national and international exposure and perspective having worked as Director in UP, Diliman for several years, and consultant at the Asian Development. Accordingly, he will focus on technological innovations and new courses on disaster preparedness, maritime, and marine engineering studies and locally-usable academic research.

              Dr. Panti, an insider for a span of almost two decades, has presented herself as a candidate for continuity building on the gains of the past as Director of Extension Services and faculty of the College of Health Sciences.

               Accordingly, the intention of the Search Committee for the Presidency to submit its recommendation to the BOR asap for its selection on June 17in time for the 50th Foundation Anniversary was reset on June 24. Henceforth, barring last hour adjustment/changes, by the time our crusading community newspaper reaches the hands of our precious reader-subscribers, the second newly-minted president must have been chosen in time for the next BOR meeting to approve and/or recognized.

         Again, the question earnestly stays: “Mirror! Mirror! On the Wall. Will the lucky one be a He or She?.” Or more appropriate and better: “ELEVEN (11)HONORABLE MEMBERS OF THE BOARD OF REGENTS, WHO AMONG THE ASPIRANTS WILL YOU CHOOSE (read: ANNOINT)S?”

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          The month of June is usually well-known for its favourite June bride choice. Father’s Day is also celebrated in this month.

           Lucky are families–wives and children specifically—who have GOOD FATHER OF A FAMILY. One who will love, protect them from harm and provide the basic needs of his loved ones.      
