Camp BGen Simeon A Ola, Legazpi City—In the recent organizational changes at the Police Regional Office 5, four high-ranking police officials have been reassigned to different positions.

On January 5, 2023, PBGEN ANDRE PEREZ DIZON, the Acting Regional Director of PRO5, spearheaded the turnover of office ceremony for the incoming Provincial Director of Catanduanes PPO and City Director of Naga City Police Office.

PCOL RYAN V ADOR is now set to assume the role of Provincial Director of Catanduanes PPO, succeeding PCOL BENJAMIN B BALINGBING JR. Meanwhile, PCOL BALINGBING will transition into the role of Chief of the Regional Information Communication Technology Management Division.

At the same time, PCOL ERWIN LANUZGA REBELLON is slated to take on the position of the new City Director of Naga CPO, succeeding the former PCOL NELSON A PACALSO. PCOL PACALSO, in return, will be reassigned to the Regional Personnel Holding and Accounting Section while awaiting further assignment.

This strategic reshuffling is part of ongoing efforts to enhance the skills and expertise of personnel within the unit, aiming to elevate the standard of services provided to the public. The reassignment underscores a commitment to ensuring that each officer is placed in a role where their strengths and capabilities can be maximized, contributing to the overall effectiveness and efficiency of the Police Regional Office 5. (via CatPPO)
