Hope, Firm Stand, & Optimism
By: Salvador V. Isorena || Green Alert || Devastated by nature-induced and man-made calamities, the closing months of 2024 painted a bleak picture for our country—socio-economically and politically. Unfortunately, the country found itself engulfed in a cacophony of calamitous events in the likes of...
“Nada Te Turbe: Let Nothing Disturb You.”
By: Salvador Isorena/Green AlertThis month’s trivia. October received its name from the ancient Roman calendar. “October” comes from the Latin word meaning “eight.” It was the eighth month of the year in the Roman Calendar. However, in the Gregorian calendar established in...
Catanduanes: Happy and Joyful Island Province
By: Salvador Isorena/Green AlertA plethora of momentous, in fact, historic events occurred recently in the “Land of the Howling Winds.” Said events are gradually transforming the province into a “Happy and Joyful Island Province.” One of these events was the visit for the first time...
CatsU’s Plethora of Events
By: Salvador Isorena /Green Alert Indeed, a plethora of significant events occurred at the Green Research University officially known as Catanduanes State University (CatSU). More or less ten years its original name was Catanduanes State University (CSU) changed to CatSU to distinguish it...
Dream Crushers & Idea
GREEN ALERT BY: SALVADOR I. ISORENA/Bicol Peryodiko weeklyDream Crushers & Idea Killers John C. Maxwell, as a matter of recall, mentioned the first three common reasons that people have trouble in their dreams as follows:Some people have been discouraged from dreaming by others. Many...
Potpourri: Part II
BY: SALVADOR "BUDDY" ISORENA As expected, the highly controversial provincial ordinance declaring a one year suspension of the province as mining free zone was doomed ab initio, due to the following infirmities: The barangay leadership who initiated the request /resolution did not...
BY: PROF. BUDDY V. ISORENA The French word Potpourri (noun) is defined as (1) a mixture of flowers, herbs and spices that is usually kept in a jar and used scent; (2) a miscellaneous collection: MEDLEY—(a) a potpourri of the best songs and...
Providently, when King Solomon was made to choose between wealth and wisdom, he chose the latter. That unequal wisdom came to light when two mothers contending claim of the child in his court, King Solomon retorted: “Divide the children into two.” And...
Parts of All of Us: The Simple and Complex
Several prominent personalities who lived in a different and/or separate times and climes caught my discerning attention due to their deeply penetrating observations of man’s life in Pearl S. Buck’s novel—The Good Earth. Henceforth, it would be safe to assume that nobody...
CatSU’s Commitment in 7th Abaca Festival, AIPEC & KIST Park Ground-breaking
MAY is a SPRING MONTH in the NORTHERN HALF of the world, and a FALL MONTH in the SOUTHERN HALF. The month gets its name from the Latin word “MAIUS” and/or named after MAIA, the “Goddess of Growth.” Emerald is the birthstone;...