Last October 1, 2020, Friday, the Schools Division of Catanduanes, through the enabling leadership of Schools Division Superintendent Dr. Danilo Despi, had conducted a Division Press Briefing at 10:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. at Gabaldon Building, Virac Pilot Elementary School, San Roque, Virac, Catanduanes.

           Participated in by the Schools Division Superintendent, Assistant Division Superintendent, Schools Governance and Operrations Division and other division personnel, local government officials and the representatives from the Parents Association, the half-day affair focused  on Local Government Support, Parents Association Support and update on the upcoming school year 2020-2021.

           The press briefing, participated by various print and broadcast practitioners, aimed to update them and the stakeholders—benefactors, parents and pupils/students–on the status of readiness of the Division of Catanduanes in providing instruction via modules as the major mode. The DepEd also solicited the commitment of support by the local government units, leaders of the Parents Association.

            Obviously, as pointed out by SDS Despi, the P31M allocated for Catanduanes (P3M for the 1st, P28M is not enough).Hence, their resorting to donations and support from well-to-do individuals, NGOs etc.

            Noteworthy was the special participation of recruited DepEd graduates under the Bayanihan Guro Program, so apptly called, by manifested by their spirit of volunteerism. Kudoz to LGUs like the Municiapality of Pandan, which reportedly recruited 100 DepEd graduates who served as volunteers.

             May they remain committed, persevere, and stay safe and protected from the Covid-19 pandemic. Indeed, they deserve to be called the New Unsung Heroes in the new normal era.  
