Joal Cocjin, now a full pledged public servant now rendering service in the town of San Andres has continued showing the doubters, nay-sayers and supporters that he was worth every shade and every drop of sweat during the election period.

            Just mere months after his oath taking, the young leader had swiftly and effectively carried out the assignments given to him with many achievements already listed under his name. True to his word, the young leader also does not shy away from leaving the comforts of his office to literally listen to the citizens of San Andres.

            Prior to his election, Cocjin as the SK Chairman of Carangag had already left us in awe after he was recognized for his prowess as a leader within Asia. But, as though saying: “We can do better”, Cocjin adds yet another remarkable feat under his name.

            3 weeks ago, Joal Cocjin represented, not just the island, but the country as he was  “selected by the U.S. Embassy in the Philippines, from among the thousand applicants, to represent the Philippines in Young Southeast Asian Leaders Initiative (YSEALI) Academic Fellowship under Civic Engagement cohort to be hosted by University of Nebraska at Omaha, USA.” (From Cocjin’s FB page)

            The training, so to say, was described by Cocjin as “surreal” and more importantly provided the perfect opportunity for him to  “leverage (his) Top 10 Cliffton Strengths as…a policymaker and a young leader.”

            Being only a little over 20, and much, much more road to cover so to speak in his journey, one can  be sure that this is just one of many achievements waiting for the young policy maker.

            But the future is yet to come. Best to focus on the “now” and now, as mentioned, we have more reason to believe that Cocjin is truly a competent and deserving leader who has many, many things in stalled for the island. Congratulations Joal and more achievements to come. (By: Jake Terrago)
